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Study on Elimination of the Tetracycline Resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia R551-3(PDF)


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Study on Elimination of the Tetracycline Resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia R551-3
Ma PengjuanLiu ZhonghuaDai YijunYuan Sheng
Jiangsu Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center for Microbiology Resource Industrialization,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biotechnology,School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Steno trop hom onasmaltoph ilia im idaclopr id e lectroporation res istance e lim ination tetracyc line
S teno trophom onas maltophilia can deg rade neon icotino id insectic ide im idacloprid through co-me tabo lism and exhibits m ultiple antib io tic resistance. Through e lectroporation we obta ined a R551-3 mu tant w hich lost tetracy cline res istance. Besides, the te tracyc line resistant plasm id pJB866H: : ndhSL w as successfu lly transform ed into the R551-3T crstra in. Therefore, the R551-3 Tcr- stra in can be used as a rec ipien t to construct a Steno trophom onasm altop hilia gene tic transform ation sy stem. The tetracycline resistance lostm utan t keeps the ability o f hydroxy lating im idac lopr id. Based on this mutant, the fo llow ing gene knockou t and recovery exper im ents can be carried out.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08