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Quality Comparison of Apocynum venetum Tea From Different Wild Communities in Altai,Xinjiang(PDF)


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Quality Comparison of Apocynum venetum Tea From Different Wild Communities in Altai,Xinjiang
Tang Zezi1Xu Lei1Zhang Weiming12Liu Qitang3Gu Gongping12Lu Changmei1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. N an jing In stitute for C omp rehen sive U til ization ofW ild P lan ts, Nanj ing 210042, Ch in a 3. X in jiang Gebao Luobuhongma and Luobubaim a C o. Ltd, A ltai 836500, C h ina
community Ap ocynum venetum L inn tea qua lity
Qua lities, such as ino rganic and o rganic components, an tiox idant capacities etc, o f Ap ocynum venetum tea from five different w ild commun ities in A lta,i X in jiang were compared in this paper. The resu lts showed thatA. venetum tea from Yanhu had the h ighest contents of m ine ra l elem ents and free am ino ac ids and the h ighest scaveng ing capacities on# OH. The qua lity ofA. venetum tea from Q idu,i wh ich had a slightly be tter habitat than that from Yanhu, was a little inferiorer to that from Y anhu. A. venetum tea from Awe itan, w hich had re la tive ly good hab itats, had re la tive ly poor qua-l ity. Th is suggested that the optimum tea-co llectingw ild comm un ities in A lta iw ere Yanhu and Q idu iwh ich loca ted in Gob, i and reg ions w ith adv erse env ironm enta l conditions cou ld be chosen as suitable tea-p lanting areas forA. venetum.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08