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Effect of Ce(NO33 on Callus Growth and Adventitious Root of Stem From Dioscorea Zingberensis(PDF)


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Effect of Ce(NO33 on Callus Growth and Adventitious Root of Stem From Dioscorea Zingberensis
Wang Jian’an1Sha Sha2Li Yanzhi1Xu Zenglai3WuGuorong2
1.College of Pharmaceutical Science,Jining Medical University,Rizhao 272826,China;2.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;3.Jiangsu Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China
cer ium Dioscorea z ing iberensis ca llus adventitious root
To study the effec t o f rare earth Ce( NO3 ) 3 on rap id clona l propagation o fDio scorea zing iberensis. U sing stem s o fD ioscorea z ingiberensis as explants, different concentrations of Ce ( NO3 ) 3 w ere supp lem ented to them edium ( 1 /2MS + 0. 5μ m o l/L IBA) to study the effec t of Ce 3+ on the ca llus induction m edium, adventitious bud in itia l m ed ium and adventitious root m edium. The ca llus induction w as stim ulated by 5.0 mg /L Ce 3+ ; 1. 0m g /L Ce 3+ stimu la ted the bud initial induction; wh ile 1~ 15 mg /L stimu la ted adventitious root. The callus induction adv entitious bud in itia l and rooting w as stim ulated by the low concentra tions of ra re earth e lements, but h igher concentration inhibited them.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08