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Effect of High Temperature Stress on Protein Subunit and Spectra Characteristic of Thylakoid of Spinach(PDF)


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Effect of High Temperature Stress on Protein Subunit and Spectra Characteristic of Thylakoid of Spinach
Zhou Feng1Hua Chun1Zhou Quancheng1Wang Renlei2
1.School of Biochemical and Environmental Engineering,Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 211171,China 2. J iangsu Food Science Co llege, Hua ian 223003, Ch in a
thy lako id high tem perature reconstitution
The e ffect o f h igh tem pera ture on prote in subun it and spectra charac teristic of thy lako id o f spinach w as studied in this paper. The resu lt show ed that CP43 subunit, ex trins ic oxygen evo lution subunit 33 000 degraded ma rked ly but LHCII agg rega ted under high tem perature treatm ent. The abso rption spectra and fluorescence spectra decreased signifi  cantly, and the peak po sition b lue shifted. It dem onstrated tha t the structure of thy lako id and light abso rption we re de  stroyed w ith increase of tem pe rature. The abso rption spectra and fluorescence spectra also decreased under 35℃ trea t  m ent w ith pro longation o f treating tim e. In contrast, the decrease extent o f absorption spectra and fluo rescence spectra w as sm a ller than that o f under different high temperature treatm ent. It ind icated that the to lerance ab ility o f thy lako id un  der long tim e treatm ent a t 35℃ w as h igher than that o f under sho rt tim e trea tm en t at h igh tem pera ture.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08