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Analysis on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Gene of Lateolabrax japonicas From Different Seas(PDF)


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Analysis on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Gene of Lateolabrax japonicas From Different Seas
Liu MingyueJiang QichenYang Jiaxin
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Lateolabrax japonicas m itochondr ia l DNA cy tochrom e b ( Cy tb) sequencing
The m itochondria l DNA cy tochrom e b ( Cy tb ) g ene of La teolabrax jap onicas sam ples co llected form Da lian ( DL), Huanghua( HH ), Q ingdao( QD), Y ancheng( YC), N ingbo( NB ) and Be iha i( BH ) we re am plified w ith PCR tech n ique and DNA sequenc ing. The results showed that 26 nuc leo tide sites w ere variable among 876 bp leng th o f hom o logous sequence. A to ta l o f 22 haplotypes found in a ll 44 ind iv idua ls. The average A, C, G and T conten ts in C ytb gene were 22.6%, 33.1%, 16.4% and 28.0%, respectively. Sequence d ive rgence o f Cytb of Lateolabrax jap onicas w ith in the sam e a rea w as 0.1% ~ 1%, am ong the 6 popu la tions w as 0.2% ~ 1%. M o lecu lar phy logenetic tree w as constructed w ith N J m ethod show ed Lateolabrax jap onicas from Be iha i cou ld be c lustered as one independent group, others w ere clustered as the o ther group and m ixed to each o ther.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08