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Influence of Land Use on Water Quality in Urban Area——A Case Study of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing(PDF)


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Influence of Land Use on Water Quality in Urban Area——A Case Study of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing
Hao JingfengLiu HongyuHu JunnaCao Xiao
Jiangsu Key Lab of Environment Change and Ecology Construction,School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
land use u rban we tland water quality Nanjing city
Th is study extracts the boundary of the small ca tchments, and ana lyzes of land use type of these sma ll catch2 ments around the Z ijinMounta in in Nan jingw ith the a id of remote sensing, GIS techniques. Water qua lity wasmon itored from March 2008 to February 2009 by the methods ofwater qua lity collection and ana lyzes in the laboratory. Statistical analysis and the seasonal va riation of thewate r quality indices (WQI) are used to illustra te the relationship be tween land use type and thewater qua lity in the study a rea. Results show tha t the typica l of the land use of the sma ll catchments a f2 fect the wa ter qua lity down streams obviously. ¹ The seasonal var iation of theWQI show tha t a ll of theWQI declined from spring to autumn and it wou ld be increased from autumn to winter exceptWum ing reservoir. It is because ra instorm ca rr ied lots of pollutant from the construction land to the downstream wa ter body during summer. ? Water qualitywou ld ge t worse when the usage of construction land got bigger and the wa ter qua lity wou ld get bette rwhen the forest land and reservoir land got b igger. So it cou ld be conc luded that the usage of construction land would obviously resu lt in thewater pollution wh ile the usage of forests land and land would keep it down.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08