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Research on the Development of Marine Industry in Jiangsu Province Based on the Coastal Area Exploitation(PDF)


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Research on the Development of Marine Industry in Jiangsu Province Based on the Coastal Area Exploitation
Wu Yiqiao1Yang Shan2Wang Weili2
1.Oceanic Bureau of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210009,China  2. School of Geography Science, N an jingNormalUn iversity, Nan jing 210046, Ch ina
J iangsu province coasta l a rea exploita tion ma rine industry gray corre lationmode l
The deve lopmen t strategy of Jiangsu coasta l area in 2009 br ings abou t urgent demand, and a lso provides a good oppor tunity on the development ofmar ine industry. Firstly, this pape r analyzes the status and evolution ofmarine industry in Jiangsu province, and then by using the gray corre la tionmode,l the corre lation ofmarine industry with the e2 conom ic deve lopmen t of coasta l a rea is studied quantitatively. The resu lts show: ( 1)While themar ine industry structure of Jiangsu province exper iences a sign ificant ad justment, the industry sca le extends inadequate ly. ( 2) The trad itional marine industry still p lays a dom inant role, howeve r, h igh2techmarine industry developed s lowly. ( 3) In the marine in2 dustry structure, compared with the second industry, the primary and tertia ry industry has higher corre lation w ith the e2 conom ic deve lopment. ( 4)Themar ine transporta tion industry needs to be strengthened. F inally, accord ing to the exist2 ing problems ofma rine industry, some reasonable suggestions are proposed in orde r to promote the deve lopment ofmarine industry in Jiangsu province and the implemen exploita tion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08