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Classification of Peaks and Digital Expression of Their Spatial Pattern(PDF)


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Classification of Peaks and Digital Expression of Their Spatial Pattern
Cang XuezhiTang GuoanZhong TengLi Ruoyin
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
peak classification DEM
Peak is them ost sign ificant po int of the re lie f surface. On the basis of peak s spa tia l cha racter istic, fo rma tive characteristic, sca le characteristic and c lustery characteristic, a system atic classification o f peaks is carried out and the ir quantitative descr iption is brought out on a series of princ ip les. Mo reover, the gene ra l types of peak c luster, its quantita tive descr iption standards and g eog raph ic s ignificances etc. are c lar ified. This resea rch shou ld be he lpful to pe rfect the m ethodology of DEM based d ig ita l terra in ana lysis.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08