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Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a Predator-Prey Model(PDF)


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Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a Predator-Prey Model
Zhang Yanfang1Chen Wenyan2
1.School of Economics & Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 210018,China 2. Departm ent ofMathem atics, SoutheastUn ivers ity, Nan j ing 210018, China
predator-prey model uniqueness ex istence reaction-diffusion equations
A predato r-prey m ode lw ithMod ified H o lling-Type II Schemes under hom ogeneous D irich le t boundary cond-i tion is cons ide red. By analyzing the asym ptotic behav io rs of positive so lutions to the corresponding reaction-diffusion m ode,l a necessary condition fo r the ex istence o f pos itive so lutions is g iven. M o reover, by v irtue of the topo log ical deg ree theory in cones, it turns out that the necessary cond ition is suffic ient. Besides, the uniqueness o f positiv e solutions in one dim ension space is described.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08