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Effects of Osthole on the Proliferation,Cell Cycle and Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells(PDF)


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Effects of Osthole on the Proliferation,Cell Cycle and Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells
Yang Dapeng1Wang Haixiao1Peng Yanyan1Tang Qingjiu2Ma Changyan1
1.Department of Developmental Genetics,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China 2. Institute of Ed ib le Fung,i Shangha iAcad emy ofAgricu ltu ral Sciences, Shanghai 201106, China
Osthole breast cancer pro liferation cell cycle apoptosis.
Ostho le, a na tura l coum arin der iva tive, is ex tracted from the fru it o fCnid ium monn ieri ( L. ) Cusson, a therapeutic agen t in trad itional Chinese med ic ine. B reast cancer is one of them ost common ly diagnosed cancers and the leading cause of death in wom en, in deve loped and increasing ly in deve loping countr ies. The ob jective of th is study is to investiga te the effec ts of Ostho le on the proliferation, ce ll cy cle and apoptosis in hum an breast cance r ce lls. Antipro liferative activ ity o f Ostho le w as m easured w ith the 3-( 4, 5-Dim ethylth iazo-l 2-y l)-2, 5-d ipheny ltetrazo lium brom ide (MTT ) assay. Flow cytom etry was perfo rmed to observe ce ll cycle distribution and apoptotic body appearance. Our resu lts show tha tO sthole is e ffective in inh ibiting cell pro life ra tion, prom otingG1 phase arrest and induc ing apoptosis in breast cancer ce lls. These findings ind icate a need for furthe r eva luating O stho le as an antitumo r agent to trea t breast cancer patients.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08