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Comparison of Photosynthetic Pigments and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Different Strains of Porphyra yezoensis(PDF)


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Comparison of Photosynthetic Pigments and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Different Strains of Porphyra yezoensis
Yao Chunyan1Zhang Tao2Jiang Hongxia2Zhu Jianyi2Lu Qinqin3Yang Jiaxin1Xu Pu2
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China 2. Departm en t of B iology and Food Engineering, C hangshu In stitu te ofT echnology, Changshu 215500, China 3. J iangsu Inst itute ofM arin e F isheries, Nan tong 226007, China
Porphy ra stra in p igm ent Chlorophy ll fluo rescence
Absorption spectra of 10 stra ins o fPorp hyra yez oensis tha lli and the effective photochem ical effic iency ( Y ie ld) o f those tha lli g rown under different light intensities we re com pared. Absorption spectra of different stra ins show ed sim -i lar patterns. The conten ts o f phycoerythrin ( PE), phyco cyanin ( PC) and a llophycocyan in( APC) in the hybr id recomb inant stra in Y-H 001 w ere 41.4%, 38.3% and 43.2% higher than those in Y-W 0401 ( the contro l), respectiv ely. The contents o f PE, PC, APC and the ratio of PE /PC in the green m utant stra in Y-gr01 w ere low er than those in Y-W 0401, bu t the content o f ch lorophy ll a ( Chla) w as 28. 2% h ighe r. The ratio s of PE /Ch la, PC /Chla and APC /Ch la o f the hybr id recomb inant stra in H-Yy0502 w ere h igher than tho se of Y-W 0401. Y ie ld o f the breed ing stra in Y-J0201 and m utagenic CM 0305 under a ll light intensities w ere significantly higher than that o f Y-W0401, wh ile Y ield of Y-gr01 was rem arkab ly low er than it. In th is report, abso rption spectra of 10 strains o f P. yezoens is tha ll,i com po sition of pigm en ts and Y ield w ere compared and discussed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08