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Reasearch on Influential Factors of Perception of Urban Waterfront Tourism Image Based on IPA——A Case Study in Nanjing(PDF)


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Reasearch on Influential Factors of Perception of Urban Waterfront Tourism Image Based on IPA——A Case Study in Nanjing
Lu Xingmei1Sha Run12Tian Fengjun3
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. College ofTourism, San jiang Un iversity, Nan j ing 210012, China 3. Schoo l ofTourism andU rbanM an agem en t, J iangx iUn iversity of Finance and E conom ics, Nan chang 330
urban w aterfront tour ism im age factor ana ly sis the Importance??Perfo rmanceAnalysis
U rban w aterfront is an important k ind of tourism a rea, the effective ana lys is in an effo rt to find them a jo r factors o f pe rception o f urban w ate rfront tour ism image is be lieved to promo te the construc tion o f tour ism im ag e. Th is pape r car ries out the fac to r ana lysism ethod to eva luate the s ixm a jor facto rs o f the image perce ived of urban w ater front in Nanjing, inc luding 16 item s from the or ig inal 26 ones. By the means o f pa ired sam ple t test, the findings indicate sign ifican t d iffer  ences ex isting be tw een the im portance and perform ance o f the six teen item s respective ly. Based on above analysis, the Importance Pe rfo rm ance Ana lys is ( IPA) has been app lied to identify the six teen item s that arem ost in need of im provement or that are candidates for po ssib le cost sav ing cond itions w ithout significant detrim en t to the image.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08