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Difference of In-Country Tourism Economy and Stimulation Effect to Economy Growing of Shandong Province(PDF)


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Difference of In-Country Tourism Economy and Stimulation Effect to Economy Growing of Shandong Province
Zhang MingdongLu Yuqi
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
in-country tour ism d ifference G rang er causa lity Shandong prov ince
W ith the he lp of Theil index and Granger causality check ing mode,l the paper analyses the difference o f incountry tour ism deve lopm en t o f Shandong prov ince and probes in to the stimu lation effect to the econom y g row th. The resu lts show that the in- country tourism economy of Shandong prov ince is deve lop ing w ith deep d iffe rence am ong c ities, betw een coasta l and in land areas. Am ong them, it is the inter-zone difference tha t play s a m ajor ro le but the coastal a rea and inland area are show ing a separa te state in space structure. For thew ho le province, in- country tourism and econom y g row ing, in- country tour ism and the th ird industry g row ing havent show n significant causality; H ow ev er, the in-country tour ism is the significant causa lity to the economy g row ing and the th ird industry grow ing; Regard less of any reg ion, the third industry g row ing is the sign ifican t causa lity to the in- country tourism. Basis these results, the paper probes in to the in- country tour ism s stimu lation effec t to the economy g row ing, such as the exp lo itation and construction o f tourism resources, the improvem ent o f infrastructure and the m od ifica tion of the c ity s location cond ition, they all cou ld lead to economy g row ing and development.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08