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Exterior Hyperbolic Problems With Concave Angles(PDF)


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Exterior Hyperbolic Problems With Concave Angles
Ju Yin1Wang Yinyue2Wang Meizhen1
1.Department of Mathematics and Physics,Shanghai Dianji University,Shanghai 200240,China 2. College of Sciences, Nan jing Un iversity ofTechnology, Nan jing 210009, China
concave dom ain exter io r hyperbo lic problem artific ial boundary cond ition( ABC ) nume rical so lu tion
In th is paper, the artificia l bounda ry condition for the exte rio r hyperbo lic prob lem sw ith concave ang les and its num erical m ethods are studied. A c ircular artific ial bounda ry # R is first in troduced, three kinds o f equ iva lent exact and approx im ate artific ia l boundary conditions are obta ined on c ircular boundary by a constructivem e thod. Secondly, w e propose new artificial boundary cond itions to reduce the g iven prob lem a computationa l problem in a bounded dom ain, w hich is equ iva lent to the or ig ina l prob lem, and the fin ite differencem ethod is used to so lved the reduced problem. F ina lly, som e num er ica l ex amp les are presented to demonstrate the per fo rm ance of artific ia l boundary conditions.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08