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Infinitely Many Solutions for a Superlinear p-Laplacian Equation With Hardy Potential(PDF)


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Infinitely Many Solutions for a Superlinear p-Laplacian Equation With Hardy Potential
Yu Boqiang12Yao Yangxin1Zheng Qiufang1Shen Hui1
1.Department of Mathematics,School of Science,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China 2. Guangzhou C ity C ons truct ion College, Guangzhou 510900, Ch ina
H ardy. s inequa lity infin itely many so lutions Ce ram i. s condition Founta in theorem
Th is paper considers a supe rlinear p-Laplac ian equation w ith H ardy po ten tia.l Thanks to H ardy. s inequa lity, infinite ly m any solutions are obtained through the Founta in theo rem w ith Ceram i. s cond ition


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Last Update: 2013-04-08