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Some Relations Among Absolutely Optimal Solutions,Effective Solutions and Weakly Effective Solutions for Multiobjective Programming Problem(PDF)


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Some Relations Among Absolutely Optimal Solutions,Effective Solutions and Weakly Effective Solutions for Multiobjective Programming Problem
Liu YaweiPeng ZaiyunTan Yuanshun
Institute of Mathematics,College of Science,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China
mu ltiobjective prog ramm ing abso lute ly optim al solution e ffective so lution w eak ly e ffectiv e so lution
Som e Re la tions am ong abso lute ly optim a l so lutions, e ffective so lutions and w eak ly effective so lutions of m ul  tiobjective vec to r prog ramm ing prob lem ( VP) are respectiv ely obta ined under tw o types o f generalized convex cond ition. And then, the relationsh ip of solutions wh ich key to simp le ob jective vector programm ing prob lem ( P) and mu ltiobjec tive vector prog ramm ing prob lem ( VP) w as d iscussed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08