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Fabrication Technology and Dynamic Characteristic of a New Type MEMS Bi-Stable Electromagnetic Relay(PDF)


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Fabrication Technology and Dynamic Characteristic of a New Type MEMS Bi-Stable Electromagnetic Relay
Kong LingfeiDai XuhanMiao XiaodanDing GuifuZhao Xiaolin
National Key Laboratory of Nano/Micro Fabrication Technology,Key Laboratory for Thin Film and Micro Fabrication of Education Ministry,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
MEM S e lectrom agnetic re lay co llision dynam ic test
A new type MEMS b istab le e lectrom agnetic re lay is presented. The bulk silicon m icrom achin ing and m e tal based surface m icrom ach in ing techno logy is used to fabr icate th is actuato r. The pa ram e ters of the dev ice are optim ized by Ansys andM a tlab softw are. The feasib ility o f the b istab le cha racte ristic is also stud ied. Accord ing to the character istics o f the relay s m echan ica l system, the relays co llision time w as ana ly zed, and theory and test resu ltw ere d iscussed. It is the foundation of the next gene ra tion o fm icro relayw hich has the property o f sma ller size, low er depletion and shorter response tim e.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08