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Production of γ-aminobutyric Acid(γ-GABA) by Bioconversion With Recombinant Glutamate Decarboxylase(PDF)


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Production of γ-aminobutyric Acid(γ-GABA) by Bioconversion With Recombinant Glutamate Decarboxylase
Wang QiKang JingjingXing YinqiangLi GuilanYin Zhimin
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
G lutam ate decarboxy lase eng ineered stra in enzym atic synthesisγ-GABA
A recomb inant p lasm id nam ed pET28a-gadA which could high ly produce g lutama te decarboxy lase was constructed. The recomb inant p lasm id w as transfo rm ed to E. coli BL21 ( DE3 ). Gutam ate deca rboxy lase was produced at 37℃ , which w as incubated w ith 014 mm o l/L IPTG or 1 g /L lactose fo r 8 h. The ac tiv ity o f 1 mL crude ex tract o f recomb inant stra in was usually 12 U /mL, w hich was about 60 tim es higher than the activ ity o fE. co li K- 12. In 1mL reaction system, when 31 g /L L-G luN aw as used, 1115U crude ex tract, pH 41 0, and incubation a t 37℃ fo r 4 h w ere the opt-i mum cond ition. The y ie ld ofC-GABA w as 191 57 g /L. F inally, the rate o f conversion from L-G luN a to theC-GABA w as up to 93%, wh ich ev entually can be prov ided a good prospect fo r the production o fC-am inobutyr ic ac id.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08