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Molecular Cloning and Expression of the Bile Salt Hydrolase Gene(bsh) From Lactobacillus plantarum Y1(PDF)


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Molecular Cloning and Expression of the Bile Salt Hydrolase Gene(bsh) From Lactobacillus plantarum Y1
Huang QianHuang LuPan DaodongYang Yao
Branch Center of National Dairy Products Processing Technology Development,Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Lactobacillus p lantarum B ile sa lt hydro lase prokaryo tic expression fus ion tags techno logy
Based on the hom o logous prote in BLAST result, the bsh gene o fLactobacillus p lantarum Y1( 975 bp) was amp lified by PCR and subcloned in to expression vecto r pET-28a. The constructed recomb inant plasm id pET-28a-BSH w as transform ed toE scherichia coli BL21( DE3) fo r express ion under induc tion o f IPTG. SDS-PAGE pro file ind icated that the expressed prote in ma in ly ex isted in a form of inclusion body. The so lubility of the expressed prote in w as not improved when choo sing E. coli Rose tta ( DE3) as the expression host that cou ld supply additional tRNA for rare codons. H ow eve r, w hen pLS-IF2 was chosen to construct the expression p lasm id that conta ined the fusion pro te in tag  IF2, SDSPAGE profile andW estern b lo t results showed that the expressed product IF2-BSH junction to improve the so lub ility eff-i c iency, respectively. The re fo re, on basis of the fusion tags techno logy, the b sh gene ofL. p lan tarum Y1 was successfu-l ly c loned and expressed in E. coli. , wh ich la id a foundation of study on b ioactiv ity and re lation betw een struc ture and functions o f B ile Sa ltH ydrolase from Lactobacillu s sp.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08