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Noise Removal in Spectrum Above Water Surface Using Kernel Regression Smoothing(PDF)


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Noise Removal in Spectrum Above Water Surface Using Kernel Regression Smoothing
Wei YuchunWang GuoxiangCheng Chunmei
Key Lab of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
kerne l regress ion sm oo th signa l to interference ratio monte-car lo s imu la tion spectrum above w ater surface remo te sensing
Spec trum above w ater surface w ith h igh signa l to inte rference ra tio ( SIR) is the key to estima tew ate r qua lity param eters by rem ote sensing. To decrease inte rference and increase SIR of spectrum is the important content o f spectrum ana lysis. In th is paper, tw o spectrum above wa ter surface, wh ich ch lorophy l-l a concentra tion is sam e and suspended substance concentration is different, was taken as exam ples to ana lysis the de-no ising e ffect o f the kernel regression sm ooth ing. The paper uses theM onte-Car lo simu la tion m ethod to estim ate the average o f S IR by 500 rounds, g iven four interference disturbance type, .i e. Norm a l d istr ibu te, Ray leigh distribute, Exponentia l d istr ibute and Po isson d istr ibute, and four interference intensity. The SIR of ke rnel reg ression sm oothing were also com pa red w ith that o f Sav itzky-Golay smoo th filter, m ov ing av erage, loca l regression and robust lo ca l regress ion. The resu lt shows tha t kerne l regression sm ooth ing not on ly increases the SIR of spectrum, but also has the h ighest SIR than o ther fourme thods whether the interference intens ity is h igher or low er. SIR is the h ighest when interference is o f the norm a l distribute. Com pa re w ith Savitzky-Go lay sm ooth filter, the spectrum by kerne l regress ion sm ooth ing w asm ore smoo ther and keptm ore inform ation on spectrum  s peak and va lley position. The paper conc ludes tha t kerne l regress ion sm ooth ing is a be tterm e thod to dec rease in terference influence in the spectrum abovew ate r sur face.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08