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The Upper Bound of the Largest Eigenvalue on the Trees(PDF)


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The Upper Bound of the Largest Eigenvalue on the Trees
Xu Xinping1Zhang Lili2
1.School of Mathematics and Information Technology,Jiangsu Institute of Education,Nanjing 210013,China 2. C ollege of C ompu ter and In form ation, H ohaiUn iversity, Nan jing 210098, Ch ina
trees e ig envalue upper bound
LetTn be a set o f trees w ith n ve rtices. H ofme ister has determ ined the first to the fifth va lues o f the largest e-i genva lue o f trees in Tn and the correspond ing trees for these va lues. ChangAn has de term ined the six th to the eighth va-l ues o f the largest e igenva lue in Tn. Liang Xiudong has de term ined the ninth va lue of the largest eigenva lue in Tn and g iven the co rresponding tree. Th is paper studied the uppe r bound of the largest e ig envalue of trees, and determ ined the ten th va lue of the largest e igenv alue in Tn and present the corresponding tree.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08