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A Kind of StASVM Ensemble Algorithm for Unbalanced Data Sets(PDF)


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A Kind of StASVM Ensemble Algorithm for Unbalanced Data Sets
Yuan XingmeiYang Ming
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
im ba lanced data structure SVM ensem ble lea rn ing
Im ba lanced data se ts, a rising perv as ive ly in practica l application, have attracted m ore and mo re attentions. In v iew o f the superior ity o fm ax imum ma rg in in m any classification problem s, w e use it fo r the c lassification of im ba lanced data. U sing suppo rt vectorm achine, a good c lassification pe rfo rm ance can be obta ined. B ased on StASVM, wh ich uses not only be tw een- class inform ation, but also the in-c lass inform ation, w e propose the EStASVM by integ ra ting the obta ined subc lassifie rs induced by StASVM. Exper im enta l results show this ensemb le m ode l can better handle the im ba-l anced problem.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08