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Urban Road Extraction From Remote Sensing Image Based on Hough Transform and Mathematical Morphology(PDF)


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Urban Road Extraction From Remote Sensing Image Based on Hough Transform and Mathematical Morphology
Liu XiaodanLiu Yan
School of Computer and Information Technology,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116081,China
hough transform m athem atica lm orpho logy remo te sensing urban road ex traction structural e lem ents
A ccording to the d istribution and geom etric character istics of urban road in h ighreso lution rem ote sensing image, this paper presents an approach to ex tract the u rban ro ad from h igh resolution remo te sensing im age based on hough transform andm athem aticalm orpho logy. Them e thod uses hough transfo rm to detect the d irection and w idth ofm a in road, constructs m athem atica lmo rpho logy liner structural e lem ents. Using the hough transfo rm to choose them athem atica lm or pho logy struc tura l e lem en ts, w e can so lve the prob lem that the hough transform m ethod canno t ex tract short curved roads and m ino r roads accurate ly, and can overcom e a situation of roadsm isjudgment w ith them ethod ofM u lti scale Om nidi rectiona l structura l e lements.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08