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Research on Disambiguation of Multiple Syntactic Category Words Based on Ensemble of Classifiers(PDF)


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Research on Disambiguation of Multiple Syntactic Category Words Based on Ensemble of Classifiers
Zhang YizheQu WeiguangLiu JinkeSun Yuxia
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
d isam biguation o f mu ltip le syntactic category w ords suppo rt vector m ach ine cond itiona l random fie lds m ax im um entropy ensemb le o f class ifies
One of the d ifficu lties o f Chinese wo rd POS tagg ing is the d isam biguation of mu ltiple syn tactic categoryw ords. In order to tack le this prob lem, th is a rtic le tr ies the ensem ble o f three c lassifie rs of suppo rt vector m ach ine, m ax im um entropy and cond itiona l random fields. 410 o ften-used examp les from Peop les Daily corpus in January 1998 are used in the expe rim ent, and the average precision is up to 89.69%. Th is is a re lative good resu lt


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Last Update: 2013-04-08