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Phylogenetic Relationship of Terrestrial and Aquatic Spiroplasmas Inferred From Their 16S rRNA and 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Region Sequences(PDF)


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Phylogenetic Relationship of Terrestrial and Aquatic Spiroplasmas Inferred From Their 16S rRNA and 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Region Sequences
Bi Keran1Gu Wei2Wang Wen2Yan Binlun1Zhang Xiaojun1
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology,College of Oceaneering,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China 2. J iangsu K ey Laboratory for B ioresou rce and Technology and J iangsu Key Laboratory for Aquatic C rustacean D iseases, Sc
spirop lasm a 16S rRNA gene 16S??23S rRNA in tergenic spacer reg ion sequences phy logene tic re la tionsh ip
The d iseased E riocheir sinens is, Procambarus clarki and P enaeus vannam ei w ere co llec ted from fa rm ponds in Jiangsu prov ince. The 16S rRNA and in tergenic spacer reg ion sequences were amp lified and sequenced using the conserved pr ime rs of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequence for spirop lasm a. The obta ined sequences were a ligned com bined w ith the hom o logous sequences of a lm ost all species in the genus Sp irop lasma. The a lignm ent resu lts were analyzed by m ax imum like lihood and Bayesian m ethods. The resultsw ere as follow s: a ll spirop lasm a stra ins from freshw ater crustace ans, Sp irop lasm a eriocheiris (E riocheir sinens is), Sp irop lasm a sp. CRAYFISH (P ro cam barus clark i), Sp irop lasma sp. SHR IM P (Penaeu s vannam ei), we re str ic tly c luste red as a phylogenetic clade, and showed am ore c lose ly phy log enetic re lationsh ip w ith Sp irop lasma m irum than Sp irop lasma sp. CR-1 (Brassica camp estr is), Sp irop lasma sp. CNR-1 (Brassi ca camp estris ), Sp irop lasma sp. CNR-2 (B rassica camp estris ), Sp irop lasm a sp. CAN-1 (Rhododendron sim sii), Sp irop lasm a sp. CRW-1 (Oxalis corym bosa ) and Sp irop lasm a sp. CH-1 (Ap ism ellifera), Sp irop lasma sp. M 10 (Ap ism ellifera ), as we ll as Sp irop lasma p enaei. The c losely re la ted spec ies o f the sp iroplasm a strains from freshw ater crustaceans was not the spirop lasm a from terrestria l p lant, insect or ma rineP enaeus vannam ei but Sp irop lasma m irum.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11