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Delimiting the Range of the Special Conservation Area of Islands in the Sea Based on the Protecting Object(PDF)


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Delimiting the Range of the Special Conservation Area of Islands in the Sea Based on the Protecting Object
Wang ZaifengXu MinBao Rong
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
protec ted ob jects eco system spec ia lm ar ine is land pro tected area
The ecosystem o f island in the sea is un ique but ex trem e ly frai.l Build ing spec ia l conservation area fo r islands in the sea has v ital sign ificance to reta rding thew orsening eco log ica l env ironment, prev enting eco system degradation and is land erosion. How ever, at present, there is still nom e thod and standard fo r de lim iting the scope of spec ia l conservation area of islands in the sea, w hich restr icts the island pro tection and reasonab le use of resources. This paper is about the case studies o f de lim iting the scope o f different spec ia l conse rvation areas w ith different protecting aim s and prope rties, according to the protecting a im, managem ent leve ,l and ex terna l risk. Acco rd ing to the study, th is paper pu ts fo rward the sole pro tection ob jec tm ethod and mu lti- objective protection object m ethod for delim iting the scope o f spec ia l conse rvation a rea of islands in the sea. Th is study prov ides theo re tica l and practica l exploration fo r delim iting the scope of spec ia l conse rvation area of islands in the sea.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11