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Regular Semigroups With Multiplicative Orthodox Transversals(PDF)


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Regular Semigroups With Multiplicative Orthodox Transversals
Guo XiaoyongFei Xiuhai
Department of Mathematics and Science,Lincang Teachers’ College,Lincang 677000,China
regular sem ig roups inverse transversal orthodox transversa ls quas-i ideal
In th is paper, the concept o fm ultip licative o rthodox transversa l is introduced. W e investigate som e properties on m ultiplicative o rthodox transve rsa,l and g iv e two equ iva lent cond itions for orthodox transversa l aremu ltip licative. F-i nally, we g ive a structure theorem for regu la r sem ig roups w ith mu ltiplicative orthodox transv ersals


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Last Update: 2011-06-15