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Residents’ Attitudes Towards Culture Protection and the Influencing Fators——A Case Study of Zhouzhuang Tourism Area(PDF)


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Residents’ Attitudes Towards Culture Protection and the Influencing Fators——A Case Study of Zhouzhuang Tourism Area
Hu XiaohaiHuang Zhenfang
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
tour ism area Zhouzhuang attitude o f cu lture pro tection in fluencing fators
Understanding o f the residents  a ttitudes tow ards culture pro tection and the influenc ing factors is important for the susta inab le deve lopm en t of culture preservation and tourism industry. Based on the questionna ire in Zhouzhuang tour ism a rea, this paper studies the residents attitudes of culturel pro tection and establishes a facto r in fluencing m ode l in the contex t o f tourism deve lopm en t in tou rism area. Facto r ana lys is, co rre lation ana ly sis and regress ion ana ly sis are used in the ana ly sis process. Them a in conclus ions are drawn as follow s: ( 1) Residents a ttitudes tow ards cultura l protection tend to constitute o f three d imensions: cogn ition of cu ltura l preservation know ledge, cultural protection approval and behav ior tendency o f cu lture pro tection. The residents accept and show positiv e tendency o f cu lture pro tection wh ile they are lack of unde rstand ings of re levant policies. ( 2) Place attachm ent, tour ism invo lvem ent and tourism perception have a sign ificant positive in fluence on the residents attitudes tow ards culture protection. ( 3) Tour ism invo lvem en t and perception pos itive ly in fluenced cognition of cu ltura l preserv ation know ledge. P lace attachm en t and tourism perception influenced the approva l of cu lture protection significantly. Place a ttachm ent, tou rism involvem ent and tour ism perception a ll tend to have a significant effect on behav ior tendency.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15