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Construction and Empirical Analysis of Index System for Evaluating Urban Tourism Sustainable Development——A Case of the Five South Jiangsu Cities(PDF)


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Construction and Empirical Analysis of Index System for Evaluating Urban Tourism Sustainable Development——A Case of the Five South Jiangsu Cities
Wang Youming
School of Tourism Management,Wuxi Institute of Commerce,Wuxi 214153,China
urban tour ism susta inable deve lopm ent index sy stem eva luation construction
The construction o f sc ientific and reasonab le index system of eva luating urban tour ism susta inab le deve lopm ent can he lp measure the susta inable dev elopment leve l of urban tourism, gu ide scien tific dev elopment of u rban tour ism, and enhance the deve lopm ent susta inab ility o f urban tour ism. Based on the bas ic theo ries of urban tourism susta inab le deve l?? opm en t, th is paper puts forw ard a sc ientific and reasonable index system o f eva luating urban tour ism susta inab le deve lop?? m ent, and m akes a com prehensive eva luation of the susta inable developm ent leve l of the five South Jiang su c ities by using synthetic eva luatingm e thods.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15