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Research on Sequential Departure Time and Route Choice Model Based on TRANSIMS(PDF)


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Research on Sequential Departure Time and Route Choice Model Based on TRANSIMS
Zhang Hongtao12Lü Guonian1Wen Yongning1
1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
traffic congestiondeparture time and route choiceTRANSIMSroad work zone
Urban traffic congestion has been a worldwide hot spot and difficult issue,the existing studies illustrated that individual travelers generally impose the influence on road network delays by directly changing their travel departure time and route choices. This paper presents a simple departure time shift model,and integrates it with the modeling process of TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System ( TRANSIMS) ,and then documents a sequential departure time and route choice model. For the purpose of further implementing the model convergence check and calibrating the feasibility of the model application,this study employs the sequential model to the Ambassador Bridge Gateway Reconstruction project in metro Detroit,U. S. ,and creates work zone scenarios that contain the road closure event and implemented operational mitigration measure,in order to investigate the impact of road work zone on departure time shift. More importantly, the analysis shows that the equilibrium model solely with route choice capability may overestimate road work zone delays, compared to the model with both departure time and route choice.


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Last Update: 2011-09-15