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Confinement in Carbon Nanotubes and Its Catalytic Application(PDF)


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Confinement in Carbon Nanotubes and Its Catalytic Application
Yang Hongxiao12Zhang Aimin1
1.School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
carbon nanotubesfillingconfinementcatalytic application
Carbon nanotubes ( CNTs) are considered to be a promising catalyst support and /or promoter due to their unique properties and special nano-structures. Many studies have shown the improved activity and /or product selectivity in catalytic reaction using CNTs as supports to disperse catalyst inside or outside of it. Especially, the well-defined nanochannels of CNTs draw more attention to investigate the confinement effect of the active phase on the catalytic activity and selectivity. In this minireview,the different strategies for the preparation of such confined nanocatalyst,and the changes of their redox property,phase transition,electronic property as well as the catalytic property that could be expected from the resultant confinement effects are presented,with the aim of highlighting their potential use in catalysis.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21