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Anthropologic Studies of Tongue Moving Types in Hakka(PDF)


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Anthropologic Studies of Tongue Moving Types in Hakka
Zhang Xiaorui1Zheng Lianbin1Lu Sunhua2Bao Jinpin1Rong Wenguo1Xue Hong1Wang Yang1
1.Department of Biology,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cyto-Genetical and Molecular Regulation, Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China
tongue rollingtongue foldingtongue twistingpointed tongueclover-leaf tongueHakkaJiangxi
Objective: Special movement of the tongue with Intrinsic lingual muscle synergism. These tongue movement type has become the classic indicators of human population genetics. Hakka is one of the main ethnic groups of south China Han. Investigation is in order to enrich our human population genetic data. Methods: A sample of 520 middle school students( 343 males, 177 females) of Hakka was investigated on 5 tongue moving types,including tongue rolling, tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongue. Result: ( 1) The frequencies of tongue rolling, tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongue were 60. 19%、9. 04%、32. 69%、72. 31% and 5. 19% respectively. No significant sexual differencs were found in the frequencies of tongue moving types. ( 2) The gene of pointed tonigue had interactive relations with the tongue folding gene. The gene of tongue rolling,tongue folding and tongue rolling had interactive relations with the tongue twisting gene. The gene of clover-leaf tongue had interactive relations with the tongue rolling gene. ( 3) Comparing with other 11 nationalities,everyone had difference with Jiangsi Hakka in someone of the tongue moving types. ( 4) The results of cluster analysis showed that the tongue moving types of Jiangxi Hakka was near the group of southern. Conclusion: The tongue moving types of Jiangxi Hakka is near the group of southern,the Comparing comparison of other groups have Statistically significant.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11