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Research of Effect Factors About Tourists’ Revisit Intention in the Festival & Special Event ——Case Study of Shanghai Expo(PDF)


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Research of Effect Factors About Tourists’ Revisit Intention in the Festival & Special Event ——Case Study of Shanghai Expo
Zhang Lan12Zhao Jinling3Li Yanshu1Hou Guolin4
1.School of Business,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
festival & special eventrevisit intentionsatisfactionShanghai EXPO
Because of festival special event becoming attractions,more and more subject to the attention of tourists. It is significantly important to hold a successful festival & special event which could improve the region’s well-known and reputation. However,the research about tourists’revisit intention in the festival & special event is deficient. The author makes the survey that tourists’revisit intention is 86. 4% in Shanghai EXPO site 2010. This paper adopts factor analysis method and the results show that visitor satisfaction is divided into“Satisfaction of basic facilities and services”and “Special services and facilities satisfaction”. Furthermore,logistic regression model is established to study the cause of revisit intention of festival special event. Finally managerial and theoretical implications are also discussed for the festival & special event.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11