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Design and Practice of Application Model ’ s Assembling Platform Based on Geo-Spatial Analysis Service(PDF)


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Design and Practice of Application Model ’ s Assembling Platform Based on Geo-Spatial Analysis Service
Zhou BoLiu XuejunJin Bei
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
spatial analysisWeb serviceSOA
The applications of GIS are becoming more extensive,but any single system is difficult to meet the need of application models,while sharing and combining spatial analysis functions by Web Service is a viable and quick solution. Referencing to the concept of SOA and the technology of Web Service, this paper packaged spatial analysis functions into services, classified and summarized the basic logic relation about the GIS service’s combination, then established the prototype system with web services in order to construct a practical model. At last, taking the hydrological model in GIS as an example, spatial services’extraction,combination and model’s construction are studied and analyzed.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11