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Analysis of the Time Complexity of Line Smoothing Algorithms(PDF)


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Analysis of the Time Complexity of Line Smoothing Algorithms
Zhu Wei123Shen Jie123Guo Lishuai123
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
line smoothing algorithm time complexityparallel algorithm
Line smoothing algorithm is an important algorithm in map generalization and geo-information visualization. It can achieve a continuous representation of linear features, thus enhance the effect of map representation. With the rapid development of high-performance GIS and even cloud GIS, how to improve the efficiency of line smoothing algorithm in parallel and cloud environments, and to meet the demand of map generalization efficiency and real-time geo-information representation have become the key issues in this field. In this paper, the previous algorithms of line smoothing are reviewed and classified into four categories according to their fitting methods. One representative algorithm of each category is selected to be particularly analyzed for their time complexities. The way of parallelize these algorithms is also discussed.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11