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A Dynamic Duty Cycle Adaption Scheme Based on IEEE802.15.4(PDF)


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A Dynamic Duty Cycle Adaption Scheme Based on IEEE802.15.4
Huang Haili12Wang Xiaonan2
(1.School of Computer Science and Technology,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China) (2.School of Computer Science and Engineering,Changshu Institute of Technology,Changshu 215500,China)
IEEE802.15.4duty cycleenergy consumptiontransmission
In wireless sensor networks,IEEE802.15.4 MAC adopts fixed(namely,Duty Cycle)scheme.However,network traffic changes dynamically,so the fixed duty cycle is unsuitable for dynamic network traffic.Therefore,this paper proposes a dynamic duty adaption scheme DSBA(Dynamic Superframeorder Beaconorder Adaption).In this scheme,the duty cycle is dynamically adjusted according to network traffic.Through comparing the number of current data frames with the one of data frames in the next period,two main parameters of duty cycle are dynamically adjusted in order to improve the transmission performance.The simulation results show that DSBA effectively reduces energy consumption,packet loss rate and transmission delay.


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Last Update: 2014-03-30