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Study of Obesity Evaluation Standard of Jianghuai Han by Lean Body Mass and Weight for Height(PDF)


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Study of Obesity Evaluation Standard of Jianghuai Han by Lean Body Mass and Weight for Height
Zheng Mingxia1Zheng Lianbin2Yang Qian1Zhou Haole1Zhang Sanrun1Buren Qiqige1
(1. Genetics Department,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Huhhot 010059,China) (2. School of Life Sciences,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance,Tianjin 300387,China)
body mass index(BMI)body fat ratioweight for heightlean body massobesity rateHan in Jianghuai region
In order to analyze the obesity evaluation standard of Jianghuai Han with body fat ratio and weight for height methods,1426 cases contain urban adults(309 males and 312 females) and rural adults(414 males and 391 females) were investigated in Chuzhou of Anhui province and Huaian of Jiangsu province. Statue and Body weight were computed at the body mass index. BMI,body fat percentage,weight for height were evaluated for obesity rate of Jianghuai Han adult. Results:(1)Male’s BMI of Jianghuai Han is (24. 1±3. 6)kg/ m2 ,female’s BMI of Jianghuai Han is (23. 8±3. 6) kg/ m2 . (2)With the age increased,body mass index is increased,while the stature is decreased. (3) Male’s rate of overweight is 34. 7%,female’s rate of overweight is 30. 7%,and male’s obesity evaluation standard is 14. 4%,female’s obesity evaluation standard is 13. 2% by the BMI method. (4)Rate of body fat ratio for male is higher than 26,and for female is higher than 37 to judge the obesity standard of Chinese Han. (5)Using weight for height method to determine the rate of adult obesity,previous weight≥120% of the standard weight for obesity standards is not suitable for adults. The results of this study suggest that the male standard between 128% and 132% of the standard weight is appropriate, and female standard between 132% and 136% of the standard weight is appropriate. The WHO standard is not suitable for our population obese determination.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30