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Saint-Venant’s Principle and Interlayer Elastic Coupling inBilayer Composites of Ferroelectric/Elastic Medium(PDF)


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Saint-Venant’s Principle and Interlayer Elastic Coupling inBilayer Composites of Ferroelectric/Elastic Medium
Gao RongTao JinZhang Ning
Magnetoelectronic Lab,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
Saint-Venant’s principlemultilayer compositeelastic mediumeledtro-optical effect
The interlayer elastic coupling in bilayer composite of ferromagnetic and elastic medium was studied. The effect of Saint-Venant’s principle on the stress distribution in the elastic material under the condition of interfacial elastic coupling was derived based on the basic equations of elasticity. An experimental method has been suggested for investing the local-action effect. The method is based on stress-birefringence effects,combined with magnetostriction(or electostriction)effects to compose the materials of product effects,and assisted by standard stress meter detection. Analysis showed that the theoretical calculations in general accord with the experimental results.


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Last Update: 2016-03-30