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Investigation on Avian Diversity and Bird Strike Avoidancein the Area of Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport(PDF)


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Investigation on Avian Diversity and Bird Strike Avoidancein the Area of Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport
Chen Jianqin1Song Tao2Peng Zhaojie2Qian Lifu2Sun Zhonglou2Li Huiming3Wei Zhifeng3Pan Tao2Yan Liangheng2Zhou Wenliang2Zhang Baowei
(1.Faculty of Life Science and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing 210013,China)(2.Shool of Life Sciences,Anhui University,Hefei 230601,China)(3.Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport in Anhui,Chizhou 247126,China)
Jiuhuashan airportavian diversitybirdstrike prevention
The investigation on avian diversity can provide ecological information for airport,because it has a guiding significance for the work of bird strike prevention. From June 2013 to June 2014,130 species were observed by transect line and counting points in the area of Chizhou Jiuhuashan airport,which belonged to 13 family and 39 orders. There were 50 species(38.46%)of resident birds,41 species(31.54%)of summer migrants,29 species(22.31%)of winter migrants and 10 species(7.69%)of passing migrants. It had an obvious seasonal change for avian community composition in the area of this airport. The bird species in spring and summer was obviously higher than that in autumn and winter. June,July,August and November with the highest frequency for birds activities throughout the year. The most dangerous species to fly were Riparia riparia,Egretta garzetta,Ardeola bacchus,Bubulcus ibis,Corvus frugilegus,Sturnus cineraceus and S. sericeus. We suggest that strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the airport habitat and effective management can reduce the bird strike in Jiuhuashan Airport effectively.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30