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Modern Ecological Evolution Recorded in Biomarkersfrom Lacustrine Sediments(PDF)


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Modern Ecological Evolution Recorded in Biomarkersfrom Lacustrine Sediments
Xu Meina12Wang Yanhua12Yang Hao12
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210023,China)
sedimentenvironmental changesn-alkanesfatty acidstable carbon isotope
Hydrocarbon biomarkers have been one of the most popular measures for global change in recent years. N-alkanes,fatty acid and stable carbon isotope compositions from the sediments could provide the continuous and high-resolution information about sources of organic matter,reconstruction of past vegetation,variability of historical climate and influence of human activities on local ecosystems. Sediments from the south of Dianchi watershed are implicated for modern climate and vegetation variations by the distribution and compound-specific characteristic of aliphatic hydrocarbon biomarkers. It is concluded that the application hydrocarbon biomarkers of the sediment could be introduced in predicting the ecological environment change.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30