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Spatial-Temporal Differences and Convergence Analysis of XinjiangTourism Economy and Its Influence Mechanism Research(PDF)


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Spatial-Temporal Differences and Convergence Analysis of XinjiangTourism Economy and Its Influence Mechanism Research
Zhang ZiangHuang ZhenfangKong ShaojunXu DongdongZhan MengxueTang Fujia
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
tourism economyspatial-temporal differencesconvergenceinfluence mechanismXinjiang
This paper chooses 15 cities (regional scale) in Xinjiang, using Theil index, principal component analysis and the model of economic growth convergence in the new classical economics method to research the difference of tourism economy from 2003 to 2012 in Xinjiang from different space scale. The results show that: the absolute difference of Xinjiang tourism economic income increases and the relative difference decreases, regionally present the“M”type of fluctuation between the heart, northern, southern, eastern of Xinjiang, regional differences has become the most main reason to economic differences of Xinjiang tourism; Xinjiang tourism economic structure presents the "Football" type, the poles of the ball are composed of a few cities and change slowly, the body of the ball gathers a large number of cities and changes alternately; It is found that Xinjiang region tourism economic grows slowly by σ,β convergence analysis, the tourism economic growth is not balanced, the backward area and the developed area have significant growth without diminishing trend, the gap between the rich and the poor have no convergence trend of tourism economy in heart region, and tourism economic grows relative convergence in northern and southern region. In addition, there is no club convergence in Xinjiang tourism region. Besides, the policy factor is vital for tourism economic differences of Xinjiang.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30