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Classification of Solutions of Kantorovich Problems with Strictly Convex Norms(PDF)


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Classification of Solutions of Kantorovich Problems with Strictly Convex Norms
Chen Ping
School of Mathematics and Information Technology,Jiangsu Second Normal University,Nanjing 210013,China
strictly convex normoptimal transport plansclassificationKantorovich problem
The paper proposes a classification of solutions of Kantorovich problems with strictly convex norms. We prove a basic property theorem of any optimal plan on transport rays based on strict convexity of the norm. Then we show existence of solutions of the secondary variational problem,whose admissible set is a subset of the collection of all optimal transport plans for a given strictly convex norm. At last,we select different optimal transport plans by solving the secondary variational problem with different integrand functions which are either strictly convex or strictly concave. Furthermore,we prove that those selected optimal transport plans are either ray increasing or ray decreasing,that is we classify optimal transport plans according to ray monotonicity.


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Last Update: 2016-09-30