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The Stochastic Descent Algorithm for a Kind ofSemidefinite Variational Inequality Problem(PDF)


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The Stochastic Descent Algorithm for a Kind ofSemidefinite Variational Inequality Problem
Xu Haiwen1Sun Liming2
(1.College of Computer Science and Technology,Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Guanghan 618307,China)(2.College of Science,Nanjing Audit University,Nanjing 211815,China)
semidefinite variational inequality problemcorrection projection and contraction algorithmstochastic descent algorithmprobability convergence
The amplification inequality is used for many times in the proof of drop function of correction projection and contraction algorithm,so we propose the stochastic descent algorithm for a class of semidifinite variational inequality problem through the random steplength extension with the random number series satisfying the Gaussian distribution or Uniform distribution and these random number series have a fixed mean. Subsequently,the probability convergence of stochastic descent algorithm is provided by the properties of Markov’s inequality and probability convergence under some suitable conditions. Finally,some numerical experiments show the effectiveness and efficiency of the stochastic descent algorithm,and reasonable selecting mean and variance of random number can improve the efficiency of the algorithm.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01