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Quantitative Analysis of the Coupling and Coordination RelationsBetween Coal Spatial Flow Efficiency and Industrial Structure(PDF)


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Quantitative Analysis of the Coupling and Coordination RelationsBetween Coal Spatial Flow Efficiency and Industrial Structure
Zhang Xinlin1Zhao Yuan12
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Ginling College,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
coal flowefficiencyindustrial structurecoupling degreecoordination degree
F062.1; P96
Based on analysis of coal flow efficiency and industrial structure,this paper examined the coupling and coordination relations between them. The results indicated:(1)Every efficiency in sink regions was larger in eastern regions than western regions;(2)For source regions,the overall efficiency was the largest in Inner Mongolia,and Xinjiang’s overall efficiency was the least; Pure technology efficiency’s influence on overall efficiency was larger than scale efficiency in Shanxi,Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi,but scale efficiency’s influence on overall efficiency was larger than pure technology efficiency;(3)Eastern region’s industrial structural fundamentals level is higher,and industrial structure is relatively reasonable,and industrial concentration degree is higher;(4)Sink regions’ coal flow efficiency and the three dimensions of industrial structure showed a correspondence in space; The coupling coordination degree is relatively high in high level of economic development areas; The average of coupling and coordination relations between the coal flow efficiency and the industrial concentration degree is the largest.(5)Source regions’ coal resources flow efficiency and industrial structure coupling coefficients are all up to the high coordination stage. Overall,the average of coupling and coordination relations between the coal flow efficiency and the fundamentals level is the largest. Finally,on the baisis of coupling and coordination relations between coal spatial flow efficience and industrial structure,some policy recommendations were proposed for the sink regions and source regions. These recommendations can help optimize the coal’s spatial allocation efficience,and the relevant departments can also make some decisions on the basis of this research.


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Last Update: 2017-12-30