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Anthropologic Study of 5 Tongue Moving Types of Kongge and Bajia(PDF)


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Anthropologic Study of 5 Tongue Moving Types of Kongge and Bajia
Jia Yalan1Zhang Xinghua1Yu Keli1Bao Jinping1Yang Yajun2Song Xue1Jin Dan1Tian Jinyuan1Ren Jiayi1Dong Wenjing1Wei Yu1Wang Zi
(1.College of Life Sciences,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance,Tianjin 300387,China)(2.School of Life Sciences,Fudan University,Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology,Shanghai 200438
KonggeBajiarolling tonguefolding tonguetwisting tonguepointed tongueclover leaf tongue
Using randon sampling method,a sample of 71 Kongge adults(46 males,25 females)and 158 Bajia adults(61 males,97 females)was investigated in terms of 5 tongue moving types in Yunnan. The survey results were as follows,(1)The frequencies of rolling,folding,twisting,pointed tongue and clover leaf tongue were 66.20%,0.00%,8.45%,57.75% and 1.41% in Kongge. The frequencies of rolling,folding,twisting,pointed tongue and cloverleaf tongue were 56.96%,0.63%,2.53%,61.39% and 5.70% in Bajia.(2)Compared with other ethnic groups,Kongge and Bajia’s rolling and pointed tongue had middle frequency,the folding and twisting tongue had lower frequency,Kongge’s rate of clover leaf tongue was in lower level,Bajia’s rate of clover leaf tongue was in middle level.(3)The results of cluster analysis showed that 5 tongue moving types of Kongge and Bajia were similar with Buyei nationality.(4)The twisting tongue was correlative with pointed tongue in Kongge.The rolling tongue was correlative with clover leaf tongue in Bajia.


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Last Update: 2018-03-31