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Grain Size Effect of Urbanization Tourist Areas ofLand Use Landscape Pattern Index—A Case Study of Guangling District of Yangzhou(PDF)


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Grain Size Effect of Urbanization Tourist Areas ofLand Use Landscape Pattern Index—A Case Study of Guangling District of Yangzhou
Zhang Haowei12Li Xin12Yin Rumeng12Fang Bin1234
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.New-Type Urbanization and Rural Land Issues Research Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(4.Rural Revitalization Research Institute,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
land uselandscape patterngrain size effectGuangling District
The study of grain size effect of land use landscape pattern is of great significance to digital mapping,land use survey and ecological landscape pattern construction. It can further reveal the action mechanism of different land use patterns and provide theoretical support and practical guidance for scientific land use. Take Guangling District,Yangzhou City as an example,base on land-use survey data,make use of landscape pattern index and GIS spatial analysis as means,then the particle size effect at the patch type level and landscape level at ten spatial scales were analyzed. The results showed that,with the increase of spatial grain sizes changed,on class level,the landscape pattern index has an obvious scale effect,such as the landscape shape index gradually reduced,the percentage of plaque type changed slightly,the number of plaques and plaque density were localized. The number of patches and the patch density of the three types of land,such as water area,water conservancy facilities,transportation land and cultivated land,were greatly affected with the variety of grain size. The landscape pattern index of different land use types had nothing to do with the time change. There is no significant difference in the landscape pattern index between different land use types over time. And the other land,transportation land,grassland was relatively sensitive to particle size changes. The change of landscape pattern index of land use types was obviously different with the change of time. On landscape level,the aggregation index gradually decreased,the diversity of Shannon and the uniformity of Shannon were fluctuating. Generally speaking,the aggregation index was more sensitive to the change of scale. Landscape indices associated with little change with time. The development of land use reduced the fragmentation of the landscape pattern in the study area,and the shape of the patch became more and more regular. The distribution of the landscape components tended to be even,and the degree and heterogeneity of landscape patches also increased weakly. In a word,the overall landscape pattern was stability improving. The study also found that the spatial scale of 60 m was the most appropriate particle size for analysis in the study area. The study provided a reference for the reasonable land use in rapid urbanization in the plain areas.


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Last Update: 2018-11-19