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Circle-based Recommendation in Online Social Networks(PDF)


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Circle-based Recommendation in Online Social Networks
Zhang Shu1Wang Chengqiang1LI Qiang1LI Hui2
(1.School of Business,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China)(2.Department of Computer Science,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China)
online social networksrecommender systemstrustcircle
Online social network information promises to increase recommendation accuracy beyond the capabilities of purely rating/feedback-driven recommender systems(RS). As to better serve users’ activities across different domains,many online social networks now support a new feature of“Friends Circles”,which refines the domain-oblivious“Friends”concept. RS should also benefit from domain-specific“Trust Circles”. This paper presents an effort to develop circle-based RS. We focus on inferring category-specific social trust circles from available rating data combined with social network data. We outline several variants of weighting friends within circles based on their inferred expertise levels. Through experiments on publicly available data,we demonstrate that the proposed circle-based recommendation models can better utilize user’s social trust information,resulting in increased recommendation accuracy.


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Last Update: 2018-12-30