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An Improved SMOTE Algorithm Based on Probability Density Estimation(PDF)


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An Improved SMOTE Algorithm Based on Probability Density Estimation
Li TaoZheng ShangZou HaitaoYu Hualong
School of Computer Science,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China
class imbalanceprobability densityinstance samplingSMOTEGaussian mixture distribution
Class imbalance problem is one of the main problems in the fields of machine learning and data mining. To address this problem,the researchers have proposed lots of methods,in which instance sampling is the simplest,the most effective and the most used approach. As a popular instance sampling algorithm,SMOTE(synthetic minority oversampling technique)tends to be influenced by the noise instances and has poor generalization ability. To deal with this problem,an improved SMOTE algorithm which considers the probability density information is presented in this paper. Firstly,we assume that the instances in each class satisfy Gaussian mixture distribution,hence the Gaussian mixture model is adopted to estimate the probability density of each instance. Then the noisy instances could be removed by comparing rankings of the intra-class and inter-class probability density information. Next,the probability density information would be calculated again on the filtered data set,and then the instances belonging to the minority class could be divided into three groups as below:boundary,safety and outlier. Finally,for the instances in different group,different SMOTE strategies are used to generate the new instances. In addition,to further promote the generalization,the neighborhood calculation rule in SMOTE has also been modified. The experimental results on several binary-class imbalance data sets indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective and feasible. Moreover,it also shows that the proposed algorithm is significantly better than multiple previous algorithms.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30