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Effect of Different Feed Rotation Cycles Between Different ProteinLevel Diets on Red Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii(PDF)


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Effect of Different Feed Rotation Cycles Between Different ProteinLevel Diets on Red Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Yu Fan1Chen Youming2Zhu Anqi1Huang Cheng1
(1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Freshwater Fishery Institute of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210017,China)
Crayfishfeed rotation cyclesweight gain
Procambarus clarkii weighting(6.456±1.868)g was placed in a circular container with a bottom diameter of 12.1 cm and upper surface diameter of 17.2 cm. Add 300 ml water in each container. There were 3 groups in the control group. High protein diet group H,low protein diet group L and medium protein diet group M were respectively fed with protein level diets of 42%,12% and 27%. Rotation group was fed with high-protein and low-protein diet in rotation. Rotation group had four groups which are R1,R3,R5,R7 group,every 1 d,3 d,5 d,7 d rotation of feed. The experiment lasted 30 d. The results indicated that only the weight growth of R5 group was significantly higher than that of H group(P<0.05),and the weight growth of R5 in single-tail test was significantly higher than that of R1 group(P<0.05). The crayfish of R5 group grew fastest. The food intake of group M was significantly higher than that of rotation group and group L(P<0.05),indicating that the medium protein content of the feed has well palatability. Compared with each group,feed coefficient of R3 group was the lowest. The feed coefficient of R3 group was significantly lower than that of group M(P<0.01)and significantly lower than that of group R1(P<0.05). The feed coefficient of R5 group was the second. The feed coefficient of R5 group was lower than that of R1(P<0.05). According to the results of this study,R3 group has the lowest cost of feeding and R5 group has the highest yield. It is recommended that the feeding methods of R3 and R5 groups are appropriate.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30