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Study on the Influence Mechanism of Tourists’ EnvironmentallyResponsible Behavior Based on Perception of Rurality—A Case Study of Jiangning District of Nanjing City(PDF)


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Study on the Influence Mechanism of Tourists’ EnvironmentallyResponsible Behavior Based on Perception of Rurality—A Case Study of Jiangning District of Nanjing City
Kong YidanHuang ZixuanTao ZhuominLiu Qi
School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
environmentally responsible behaviorperception of ruralityplace attachmentenvironmentally responsible attitudeJiangning District of Nanjing City
Based on the theory of stimulus-organism-response,the paper establishes a model of the influence mechanism of tourists’ environmentally responsible behavior from the perspective of perception of rurality. Using the survey data of tourists in Jiangning District of Nanjing City,the structural equation modeling method was adopted to empirically test the impact of perception of rurality,place attachment and environmentally responsible attitude on environmentally responsible behavior. The results are shown as follows:Firstly,there are five dimensions of perception of rurality,including perception of community participation,perception of regional condition,perception of rural culture,perception of agricultural economy and perception of rural landscape. Environmentally responsible behavior includes two dimensions:low effort environmentally responsible behavior and high effort environmentally responsible behavior. Secondly,rural landscape perception and rural culture perception are antecedents of low effort environmentally responsible behavior while partially mediating the effect of place attachment and environmentally responsible attitude. Community participation perception and agricultural economy perception only indirectly affect low effort environmentally responsible behavior through place attachment and environmentally responsible attitude. Lastly,rural landscape perception is the most important factor that drives tourists’ high effort environmentally responsible behavior among the factors of rurality.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30